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Click the PDF to see what you will be doing in this Unit

Publisher Videos 

DIRECTIONS: Open a new Publisher Document, give it the file name Spirit Week, and save to your Computer Skills Folder.  Use this file for all the Publisher Videos.


Show Mr. Lewis Your Spirit Week Flyer

Flyer Project 


1.  Create a Flyer in Publisher to advertise a product, service or event.

2.  Flyer should be realistic and the information can be made up
or true.

3.  Do not use a template, create your flyer from a blank page.

4.  Use text boxes, shapes, pictures, and WordArt to customize
your flyer.

5.  Include as much information about the product, service, or
event as possible (name, address, date, and time of event,
how much it costs if there is a cost, phone number, etc.)

6.  Make sure the flyer is eye catching but do not over do
with too much flash.

7.  Proof read your flyer for spelling, capitalization, and 
grammatical errors.

8.  Save as Flyer_Project in your Computer Skills Folder.


Show Mr. Lewis Your Flyer

Newsletter Practice

DIRECTIONS: Watch the video below and follow along.

Example: (Click Here)


Show Mr. Lewis Your Newsletter Practice

Newsletter Project

DIRECTIONS: Follow the directions on the PDF below and create a Newsletter for your favorite book. 


Show Mr. Lewis Your Newsletter Project

Publisher Post Test 

DIRECTIONS:  Open the Study Guide below.  Make sure you are familiar with each task.  When you are ready let Mr. Lewis know you are ready to take the Publisher Post Test.  The Post Test will be graded. 


Show Mr. Lewis Your Post Test 

(Click Here to Submit

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